Attacking Google App Engine

Note please execute this scenario as the last scenario because it requires you to delete the project in order to clean up the resources

In order to start the scenario go to the scenario-5 folder by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

First export the project id using the below command

export PROJECT_ID="project-id"

Next configure the gcloud to use the project by typing the below command

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

Next enable the App Engine API by typing the below command

gcloud services enable

Next deploy the App Engine by typing the below command

gcloud app deploy

Select the region you want to deploy and press Y to continue

Once it is done you can find the application url by typing the below command

gcloud app browse

Scenario Info

According to the Wikipedia

Google App Engine (often referred to as GAE or simply App Engine) is a Platform as a Service and cloud computing platform for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers. Applications are sandboxed and run across multiple servers. App Engine offers automatic scaling for web applications—as the number of requests increases for an application, App Engine automatically allocates more resources for the web application to handle the additional demand.

By default the App Engine is deployed with the default app engine service account which has the Editor role in the project

In this scenario we are going to exploit the SSRF vulnerability in the deployed application and use the Metadata Server to get the service account token


First Let's try to access the Metadata endpoint that gives you the information about the project id by typing the below payload in the URL field

Under the Headers section add the below header

Metadata-Flavor: Google

And click on CHECK STATUS button and you can find the project id in the response

Next try to access the Metadata endpoint that gives you the information about the service account token by typing the below payload in the URL field

You can find the access_token in the response and you can use this token to perform the privilege escalation in the project

Note In recent version Compute Engine SSRF is only possible if you able to pass the headers as Metadata-Flavor: Google

Clean up

According to the google , there is no way to delete the App Engine service account so you have to delete the project in order to clean up the resources

So we recommend you to delete the project after completing the scenario


  1. In order to learn more about SSRF in Google Cloud I highly recommend to check out Tutorial on privilege escalation and post exploitation tactics in Google Cloud Platform environments by Chris Moberly

  2. More details about the meta-data endpoint link