Attacking Google Cloud Storage

In order to start the scenario go to the scenario-1 folder by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

cd scenario-1

Go into the canary-token and generate the dummy aws creds and copy the value

Now move into the juice-shop folder and create the new file called aws-creds.txt and paste the copied value in the file

cd juice-shop

Once it is done move back into the scenario-1 folder and zip the juice-shop folder by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

cd ..
zip -r juice-shop/

Export the PROJECT_ID variable by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

export PROJECT_ID="project-id"

Now deploy the infrastructure by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve -var project-id=$PROJECT_ID -var unique-name=<BUCKET_NAME>

Note the BUCKET_NAME should be unique, if you get the error while deploying the infrastructure change the BUCKET_NAME and try again

Scenario info

Public-Facing Google Bucket is the most common vulnerability in the GCP environment Users often create the bucket with public access in order to use the data stored in the bucket to be used by external application ,Sometimes this leads leakage of sensitive information

In this scenario we are going to see how to find the public bucket using the TBD name and how to access the data stored in the bucket


In order to find the public bucket we are going to use the tool called gcp-enum

Install the gcp-enum by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

git clone

Next navigate to the gcp-enum folder by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

cd gcp-enum

Now run the gcp-enum by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

go run main.go -k <unique-name> -file short-wordlist -c 10

Replace the <unique-name> with the bucket name which you have used while deploying the infrastructure

You will see one valid bucket name in the output which end with -backup

Note if you find the other bucket name with other than -backup , please ignore it and don't try to access it as it may belong to other users and it may lead to legal issues

Now try to access the bucket by typing the below url in the browser


For example if the bucket name is gcp-goat-123 then the url will be

Now on acessing the url you will find the file

Let's download the file by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

wget http://<unique-name>

Next unzip the file by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell


Now move into the juice-shop folder by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

cd juice-shop

Now you will find the aws-creds.txt file in the folder

Clean up

To clean up the Scenario type the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

cd scenario-1
terraform destroy -auto-approve -var project-id=$PROJECT_ID -var unique-name=<unique-name>

Move into the previous folder by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

cd ..