Attacking Artifact Registry

In order to start the scenario go to the scenario-3 folder by typing the below command in the shell

cd scenario-3

Export the project ID by typing the below command in the GCLOUD Shell

export PROJECT_ID="project-id"

replace the project-id with your project ID

Next configure the gcloud to use the project by typing the below command in the shell

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

Next enable the Artifact Registry api by typing the below command in the shell

gcloud services enable

Next initialize the terraform by typing the below command in the shell

terraform init

Next apply the terraform by typing the below command in the shell

terraform apply -auto-approve -var project-id=$PROJECT_ID

Next output the service account key by typing the below command in the shell

terraform output -raw sa-key > creds.json

Next login into the artifact registry by typing the below command in the shell

gcloud auth configure-docker

Next build and push the image using the below command

docker build -t$PROJECT_ID/gcp-goat/secret:latest .
docker push$PROJECT_ID/gcp-goat/secret:latest

Scenario info

According to the google docs

Artifact Registry provides a single location for managing private packages and Docker container images.

Even though the Artifact Registry is private by default, sometimes users make the Artifact Registry public in order to use the packages and docker images in the external application, this leads to the leakage of sensitive information

In this scenario, we are going to see download the docker image from the Artifact Registry and extract the sensitive information from the docker image


Note: This scenario assumes that we have somehow able to find the project name and repo name

On your local machine , try to pull the docker image by typing the below command in the shell

export PROJECT_ID="project-id"
docker pull$PROJECT_ID/gcp-goat/secret:latest

Once the image is pulled, try to extract the sensitive information from the image by typing the below command in the shell

docker run --rm -it$PROJECT_ID/gcp-goat/secret:latest sh

Next try to list the files in the / directory by typing the below command in the shell


On executing the above command you will find the file called creds.json which contains the service account key

Now using the service account key we can access the GCP resources

Note for security reasons , the service account does not have any permission to access the resources, but in the real world, the service account will have the permission to access the resources

Clean up

In order to clean up the infrastructure, type the below command in the shell

terraform destroy -auto-approve -var project-id=$PROJECT_ID